
bars icon potion icon

mixing bars for your inspiration

Search Icon Moodboard Icon Random Icon

Looking for something? Tap the search icon above or click here to search poems by author or title.
Need some inspiration? Get a random poem by tapping the dice above or clicking here.
Feelin' some typa way? Visit the moodboard by tapping the center icon above or clicking here.


This is a frontend framework for Thundercomb's poetry database.
Made by Adam Wright.
The logo at the top of the page is two overlain icons from The Noun Project: "five" and "potion".
The bars icon is “five” from W. X. Chee.
The potion icon is “potion” from Blaise Sewell.
The navbar contains three more icrons from The Noun Project:
The search icon is "Search" from AliWijaya.
The dice icon is "Dice" by Andy Ivandikov.
The moodboard icon is "moodboard" by Bê Sabino.
The moodboard heart background is from Alexandru Acea.
The moodboard skull background is from Jon Butterworth.
Each page has a home icon, which is "Home" by Neneng Fadliyah.
This site's color palette is "Mermaid Lagoon" from Canva.