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Adam Wright,


Software Engineer

As you can tell by the domain, I made this website myself! Feel free to dig around the code.
Just below this paragraph, you'll find my projects.
At the bottom of the page, you'll see a variety of ways to contact me.

Capstone - Plot Points

Language focus: React, Node.js
Time to complete: 2 weeks

A screenshot of the project simulated running on two devices.

Plot Points is a minimalistic web-based virtual tabletop (VTT). It’s the first VTT to be built mobile-first, allowing you to play your favorite tabletop roleplaying games from any device with ease and minimal setup. Without permissions separating players from a Game Master (GM), Plot Points is the perfect platform for games with high player participation or without a permanent Game Master β€” such as Fiasco, Wanderhome, or D&D using the optional Plot Points rule (the origin of our namesake).
This project was completed with a team of four, with myself as the project manager.
Check out the deployed site or its backend or frontend GitHub repositories. You can also watch a live video walkthrough (and Q&A) of the project which was featured during DigitalCrafts' Demo Day.

React Project - Dungeons πŸ’•withπŸ‰ Dragons

Technology focus: React, Redux
Time to complete: 1 week

A screenshot of a potential match.

This mock dating app has the user swipe through potential matches of either dungeons or dragons, either skipping them or adding them to their matches. From the match page, the user can either remove the match or chat with the match β€” standard dating app functionality.
You can jump right into the app here. Note that swiping only works on mobile devices (or the Inspect developer tool).
Alternatively, you can swipe through its GitHub repo.

Backend Mock Ecommerce Site - Tasha's Trinkets

Technology focus: Node.js, SQL via Sequelize, Express, Git
Time to complete: 1 week

The cart page for Tasha's Trinkets

This project was a mock ecommerce site inspired by the magic items of the worlds of D&D. As my first group project, I learned the importance of drafting and discussing ideas before getting to work and how to use Git and GitHub efficiently in a collaborative environment. This project was also my first foray into backend technologies – the backend portion of this project was my responsibility while my partner worked on the frontend. I became very comfortable with routes, sessions, and databases by the end of this project.
Got some gold burning a hole in your bag of holding? You can visit the live site here.
For more information, you can dig through its GitHub repo, or watch a video walkthrough of the project.

Frontend Poetry App - Alche-traz

Technology focus: CSS (via TailwindCSS), asynchronous JavaScript
Time to complete: 1.5 weeks

The Alche-traz home page on mobile

It was with this project that I began to start truly using the wider internet in my webpages – I learned how to use APIs and their contents on live web pages. The final product was a mobile-responsive web page that allows the user to search and generate a bunch of different poetry.
This project was powered by Thundercomb's wonderful Poetry Database.
Get mixing!

Barovian Blackjack

Technology focus: JavaScript
Time to complete: 1 week

A screenshot of the blackjack game in play.

You have to start somewhere learning the web languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and web page interactivity. So why not make it fun?
The exact goal of this assignment and the use case of the final project (although entertaining) is less important than the techniques and methods I learned while working on it – mostly JavaScript and HTML/CSS fundamentals and Document Object Model manipulation. I also learned how to work with an existing code base, as I worked from a template of code to start with. Lastly, I worked within tighter confines than my first project – this one had to be a blackjack game with all the functionality of standard blackjack.
In this project, you play blackjack with standard casino rules and a non-standard card deck. You may recognize the Tarokka deck, which appears in the Curse of Strahd adventure book and an animated background made for play in the same adventure from Beneos Battlemaps.
Test your luck!

Monster of the Week Python terminal game

Technology focus: Python
Time to complete: 1 week

A screenshot of the Python terminal game in play in VS Code.

My first coding assignment, this project was written in Python and played in the terminal of VS Code. The learning objective of this project was simple programming fundamentals, object-oriented programming, and learning a new language quickly.
The game itself is a text-based roleplaying game based on the tabletop roleplaying game Monster of the Week. This system is intended for use in narratives like Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The X-Files.
What are you waiting for? Get out there and kill some monsters. Good hunting.